This session is designed to give participants a knowledge of what Christ does for us in salvation and how His work on the cross impacts us now and for eternity.


The goals of the Soteriology session are to:

  1. Summarize what it means to be regenerated, converted, justified, and adopted

  2. Understand future glorification and a future resurrection body

  3. Articulate common grace, and understand how the following work together

Common grace + Covenants between God and Man

Election and Reprobation- when and why did God choose us?

Gospel Call and Effective Calling

Perseverance of the Saints- Can true Christians lose their salvation?

 Prep Work

Read + Define: Read Romans 3:23-26; 5:1-5; 8:28-30 and define the following terms using word studies and commentaries: justified, redemption, propitiation, peace with God, called, foreknew, predestined, glorified, grace in which we now stand.  Be prepared to give a concise sentence definition for each of the terms.

Read: How Salvation is Ultimately About God - Wilson

Read: Infographic on the Order Salutis (become familiar with the content)

Read: Systematic Theology, Ch. 36 (Doctrine of Justification) - Grudem

Read: Repentance: Counseling and Sharing Christ - Jack Miller

Read: Regeneration: What Does it Mean to Be Born Again - Wayne Grudem

Listen: How the Gospel Changes Us - Tim Keller

Watch: G.O.S.P.E.L. - Propaganda

Watch: The Gospel in 6 Minutes - Piper

Exegete: Ephesians 2.1-10 (using the Exegetical Worksheet)

Outline: Ephesians (using the Book Outline Worksheet - understanding the individual points of each chapter)

Continue: Personal Development Plan (using the PDP Worksheet)