Master Document
INTRO SESSION - Gospel + Scripture
I stay true to the biblical gospel without syncretism or over contextualization + have a basic understanding of Scripture.
SWW Vision
Gospel Overview
Scripture - Authority, Canon, Inerrancy, Exegesis
Gospel Movement + Being/Making Disciples
Session 1 - Christology
I understand Jesus’ life + teaching.
Gospel Narrative
Person, Life, Teachings + Practices of Jesus
Jesus’ Sacrificial Atonement
Resurrection + Ascension
Offices of Christ - Prophet, Priest, King
Union with Christ Metaphors - What does it mean to be united with Christ?
Session 2 - Pneumatology
I am filled with the Holy Spirit.
Baptism + Filling of the Holy Spirit
Water Baptism
Gifts + Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Prayer - Intercession, Personal, Corporate, Trinitarian
Session 3 - Missio Dei (The World is His)
I live on mission.
Missio Dei
Evangelism + Disciplism
Kingdom of God
Session 4 - God the Father
I know my Father in Heaven.
Roles of the Persons of God (Trinity)
God's Character and Attributes- Incommunicable and Communicable
God's Providence (Free Will and Sovereignty)
Creation - Why, How, When, and What purpose did God create the universe
Session 5 - Anthropology/Hamartiology
I am mature, humble, teachable and confess sin.
Creation of Man
Imago Dei + Gender
Fall of Man + Shalom
Session 6 - Soteriology
I understand how the Gospel saves me.
Regeneration (Born Again) + - Conversion (Faith + Repentance)
Justification (Declared Innocent) + Adoption (Membership in God’s Family)
Glorification (Resurrection Body and Eternal State)
Common Grace + Covenants
Election + Reprobation (When/Why did God choose us)
Gospel Call + Effective Calling
Perseverance of the Saints (Can true Christians lose their salvation)
Session 7 - Worship (Everything is His)
I offer my life back to God in holistic worship.
Spiritual Disciplines - Worship in Sanctification
Stewardship vs. Ownership
Everything is His - Romans 12.1 (Time, Things, Money, Possessions)
Apologetics - God's Existence and Know-ability
Spiritual Warfare - Angels, Satan + Demons
Session 8 - Ecclesiology (We are His)
I love the local church.
The Nature, Marks, + Purpose
Purity + Unity
Power of the Church
Church Polity
Means of Grace
Ordinances – Baptism + The Lord’s Supper
Corporate Worship
Session 9 - Eschatology
I am a disciple who makes disciples as we wait for his return.
Current State After Death
The Return of Christ
The Millennium - Overview
Final Judgement + Eternal Punishment
New Heavens + New Earth
Multiplication of Disciples