This session is designed to give participants an understand of God the Father, His attributes, the roles of each person of the Trinity, and Creation. 


The goals of the Father God session are to:

  1. Explain the unity, plurality, and distinct roles within the Trinity

  2. Understand the Knowability and Existence of God

  3. Articulate a definition and basic understanding of God's providence

  4. Be able to cite the two types of the attributes of God and gives examples of each

  5. Explain the purpose and key factors of Creation

  6. Explain how God interacts with His creation

Prep Work

Watch/Listen/Read: The Apostles Creed: God the Father- Third Mil

Watch/Listen: The Doctrine of God: The Attributes of God- Biblical Training

Watch/Listen/Read: The Pentateuch: A Perfect World- Third Mil

Watch/Listen/Read: The Apostles Creed: The Articles of Faith [ONLY minutes 27-37 or Overview: God in notes]- Third Mil

Read: Systematic Theology, Ch. 16 (God's Providence) [ONLY pgs 315-331]- Grudem

Read: Systematic Theology, Ch. 15 (Creation) [ONLY pgs 262-273]- Grudem

Read: Systematic Theology, Ch. 9-10 (The Existence and Knowability of God)- Grudem

Exegete: 1 Peter 1:1-12 (using the Abbreviated Exegetical Worksheet)

Outline: Acts 15-28 (using the Book Outline Worksheet)

Continue: Personal Development Plan (using the PDP Worksheet)