This session is designed to give participants a cursory understanding of the last times and disciple-making multiplication.


The goals of the Eschatology session are to:

  1. Articulate a cursory understanding of the end times and prophetic vision

  2. Understand basic interpretive principles on prophetic texts

  3. Explain the purpose of God's judgement

  4. Communicate a basic understanding of heaven, hell and Christ's Return

Prep Work

Read or Listen: Systematic Theology ch. 54 (The Return of Christ) - Grudem [audio teaching]

Read or Listen: Systematic Theology ch. 57 (The New Heavens and New Earth) - Grudem [audio teaching]

Read: ReNewed Creation: The End of the Story - Bartholomew and Goheen

Watch: Even Better Than Eden - Nancy Gunthrie

Read: Revelation 20-22

Exegete: Rev 21:1-8 (using the Abbreviated Exegetical Worksheet)

Watch: Every Disciple a Disciplemaker - Ying Kai

Read: Making Disciples Jesus' Way: A Few at a Time - Ogden and answer the following questions

  • who are you discipling/forming with?

  • how are you encouraging a few to make disciples?

  • what can you take away from this article to better encourage those in your life to make disciples who make disciples?

Continue: Personal Development Plan (using the PDP Worksheet)