This session is designed to give participants a clear understanding of Jesus' Church as the primary means of grace and mission in the world.


The goals of the ecclesiology session are to:

  1. Understand the role of equippers in the local church

  2. Grasp a brief history of the church

  3. Articulate an understanding of church leadership + authority

  4. Understand an evangelical understanding of the means of grace within the Church

Prep Work

Read: Center Church Introduction - Tim Keller

Read: Biblical Eldership - Alexander Strauch

Read: Is There a Different Process of Church Discipline for Elders? - Erik Raymond

Read: Church Members Must Keep an Eye on Their Elders - Erik Raymond

Read: The Role of Apostolic and Elder Teams - Joshua Young

Watch: The Apostles Creed: The Church - ThirdMil

Watch: The Church as a Healing Community - Diane Langberg

Read/Listen: Systematic Theology ch. 50 (The Lord's Supper) - Grudem [audio teaching]  Have you had an opportunity to partake of this in your local church?  What has it meant to you?

Exegete: 1 Cor 12:12-20 (using the Abbreviated Exegetical Worksheet)

Continue: Personal Development Plan (using the PDP Worksheet)

OPTIONAL Listen: Elders in the Local Church - John Piper