This session is designed to give participants a knowledge of who Christ is and what His importance is to the Christian faith.
The goals of the Christology session are to:
Have a grasp of the hypostatic union and biblical support for it
Summarize the purpose of Christ's death on the cross
Give biblical support for Christ's resurrection and the nature of His resurrected body
Understand the significance of the resurrection/ascension and Christ's ongoing work on our behalf
Understand the Offices of Christ
Prep Work
Read: The Supremacy of Christ - Fernando
Read/Listen: Systematic Theology, Ch. 29 (The Offices of Christ) - Grudem [audio teaching]
Watch: 'The Christ' - Third Mil
Exegete: Luke 18:18-30 (using the Abbreviated Exegetical Worksheet)
Outline: Luke 1-12 (using the Book Outline Worksheet)
Complete: My Story/God's Story Worksheet
Continue: Personal Development Plan (using the PDP Worksheet)